
VDMA Photonics Forum takes off – Ambitious agenda opens up new prospects

VDMA Photonics Forum takes off - Ambitious agenda opens up new prospects
VDMA Photonics Forum takes off – Ambitious agenda opens up new prospects

VDMA Photonics Forum intensifies support for the future-oriented industries of photonics with a broad spectrum of expertise

Frankfurt, Germany, 31 January 2013. – The German Engineering Federation (VerbandDeutscherMaschinen- und Anlagenbau – VDMA) unites seven different professional sectors related to photonics under one roof. With the support of a group of member firms comprising the market leaders of each industry involved and renowned institutions from the world of research, the Photonics Forum bundles and networks the existing competences and resources in the VDMA on a thematically oriented platform.

The list of actors in the forum includes the following VDMA organisations: the German Flat Display Forum (DeutschesFlachdisplayforum – DFF), the Industrial Image Processing Sector (FachabteilungIndustrielleBildverarbeitung), the Working Group Laser and Laser Systems for Material Processing (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Laser und Lasersystemefür die Materialbearbeitung), the Micro Technologies and ComponentsAssociation (FachverbandMikrotechniken und -komponenten), the Organic Electronics Association (ArbeitsgemeinschaftOrganischeElektronik – OE-A), the Working Group Photovoltaic Equipment (ArbeitsgemeinschaftPhotovoltaik-Produktionsmittel) and the Productronics [Electronic Production]Association (FachverbandProductronic).

The network of these VDMA professional sectors – after adjusting for duplicates – includes more than 500 companies and research institutions along the entire value creation chain. According to the concentration principle, this means that about 400 of those members, some more than three forth of the corporate potential, are generating their turnover in the photonics field.Taken all together, the photonics subsidiary industries officially supported by the VDMA represent a combined turnover of nearly EUR 14 billion and some 56,000 employees. These figures include multiple references, however, and about 25 per cent of that activity relates to sales and personnel outside of the field of photonics technology.

“World of light” should become more transparent
The Photonics Forum aims to reinforce the general public’s awareness of the key technologies represented, because the “world of light” still lacks transparency for many decision-makers. In both the political arena and the capital markets, a concerted effort is needed in order to establish a clear awareness of the tremendous opportunities and future challenges of photonics.

Because very few other growth drivers provide the range of opportunities that key optical technologies offer for creating innovative solutions for tomorrow’s markets.Collaboration in a forum realises synergies, bundles “strength in numbers” and opens up opportunities to express the joint commitment for photonics and its power more succinctly. To that end, the forum has developed a roadmap with activities planned for 2013.

The new VDMA internet site serves as the centrepiece of the Photonics Forum. In the digital network, the forum offers its own portal – – which provides interested parties with current information and announces the event dates ofthe participating photonics professional sectors. This is also where the core activities of the forum are reported: Highlights include the promotion of young talent within the framework of “Photonik Campus Deutschland” (Photonics Campus Germany) and the collaboration on a new worldwide photonics industry study financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Researchas well as by the related industrial associations. Cooperation at the level of the European technology platform “Photonics21”, along with trade fair activities, e.g. with a view towards“LASYS 2014” in Stuttgart are further essential fields of action.

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