Recycling News

Valley region initiates Canada’s first Styrofoam recycling program

plastic bottle recycling

Valley Waste-Resource Management, Scotia Recycling, CKF Inc, and the Resource Recovery Fund Board (RRFB) have jointly launched a recycling program for polystyrene (PS) foam in Valley region, Canada, the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) announced.

Foamed polystyrene, commonly known as Styrofoam, difficult to recycle as its light weight has made transportation to worldwide markets unfeasible. A new densifier machine at Scotia Recycling’s Kentville site, shreds and compresses PS, reducing the over 90% air composition.

plastic bottle recycling
Valley region initiates Canada’s first Styrofoam recycling program

These densified blocks can then be shipped and remade into products like decorative moldings and picture frames.

Valley Waste-Resource Management Authority Chairman Mark Pearl said, “We believe strongly in being leaders in solid waste management, and always strive to do more to reduce our environmental impact.”

In the new program, Valley region’s residents will place polystyrene foam protective packaging, plates, trays, egg cartons and cups in with their other containers in the blue bag. Foam peanuts, foundation insulation and spray foam are, however, not recyclable through the program.

To ensure the product is suitable for recycling, residents and businesses are asked to remove absorbent meat pads and plastic wrap and to rinse any food residue from foam containers before placing them in the bag for recycling.

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