At this year’s FAKUMA the GS-mark for “Tested Safety” for the CAPS-Automation “ROTOPRINT” was solemnly handed to us. On the worldwide tampon printing machine market only at IMPORTANT AG this GS Test Certification from the DGUV Test Print- and Paper-Processing Certification Authority can be found on a standardized automation. For this reason our automation passed the EuroTest and complies with the relevant regulations of the EG-Machine Directives (2006/42/EG).
Additional tampon printing machine series are already registered for certification and should also shortly be respectively awarded. TAMPOPRINT® pride themselves to build high quality tampon printing machines, which withstand the hardest dual-shift production requirements for years to come. For TAMPOPRINT® the safety of the customer and the machine operators, together with the print image quality and process safety is of greatest importance.
For this reason we have had our products tested for their work safety with the trade association (Berufsgenossenschaft). Again, TAMPOPRINT® AG has technologically “the nose in the front” with “technologies for your future”. The GS-Mark has become a world recognised safety symbol since its introduction in 1977. Basis for the GS-Mark is the Products-Safety-Law (ProdSG) (Produktsicherheitsgesetz). Application-ready products will be provided with the GS-Mark (Tested Safety) when:
- An approved, independent Test-and Certification Authority has tested and certified that the models comply with the safety-technical requirements of ProdSG (s. § 21, Section 1 ProdSG) and
- The Test and Certification Authority checked that marketed Serial Products correspond with the tested model (Control Measure, s. § 21, Section 5 ProdSG)
EuroTest is a voluntary sample/model test, based on the EG guideline and the corresponding European Standards. Since 1995 more than 1800 certificates were supplied after a successful EuroTest-validation.