At Fakuma 2012, Tampoprint announced that it now delivers all three-lane “Rotoprint” fully automated systems with water-cooling and the new “RTI 21-150” rotary printing unit.
Both components can significantly improve throughput as a result of less system downtime as well as maximized sharpness/contrast of the print image, says the company. Uninterrupted multi-shift operation is the preferred performance range for “Rotoprint”.
Warming the “wheel” using gas flames at a pre-treatment station, part drying units and post-treatment can lead to register inaccuracies and feed problems. But room temperatures also have a significant influence on the print quality. It can cause increased evaporation of solvents or faulty print image transfer.
Tampoprint has developed a new water-cooled part transport unit including jig carrier, known in short as the “wheel”. A completely re-engineered rotary printing unit, the “RTI 21-150” substituted the old model “RTI 2000”.
While the “water-cooled wheel” is standard equipment with three-lane “Rotoprint” fully automated systems, it can be selected for one- and two-lane “Rotoprint” fully automated systems. Water feed and drain-off is done through the existing cooling circuit in the injection molding machine or through an optional water cooler.
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