In a latest move in the plastics industry one of the major injection molding manufacturer Avon Protection lands a...
Tag: masterbatches
According to latest news in the field of plastics and plastics manufacturing Cytec Industries Inc is trying to team-up...
NEWTOWN, CT, U.S.A., July 7, 2014: The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) has begun the process of recruiting a...
July ABS prices emerged with increases for European cargoes in Italy, supported by firmer styrene costs as per the...
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Egyptian PET converters concerned over new government food rations
In Egypt, there had been talk regarding the government’s plan to rearrange its food rationing program since early June...
– Synergies with O&S boost trade visitor count – Motivated buyers: over 50% of visitors came with definite capital...
Deitrick Will Be in Charge of Graham Engineering, American Kuhne, and Welex Brands YORK, PA., U.S.A., July 8, 2014:...
In a latest move in the field of plastics and chemicals Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP has initiated and...