Players active in China commented that the imbalance between spot prices for ethylene and PE continues to intensify, with...
Tag: abs plastic prices
Market News
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Protective packaging demand in US to reach US$6.8 billion in 2019, forecasts Freedonia
Bolstered by strong gains in Internet shopping, demand for protective packaging in the US is forecast to expand 4.9%...
In China and Southeast Asia, the spread between import ABS and HIPS prices narrowed further over the past weeks...
In China, export PET prices hit another low during this past week as reported on Export offers lost...
Local PP prices in several Southeast Asian markets, including Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam, hit multi year lows as of...
December PS prices were revealed with hike requests ranging between €35-55/ton month over month in Europe as per ChemOrbis...
Last week, players had been reporting that China’s PP market was showing signs of stabilizing after an extended downward...
As reported on, traders in Egypt and Turkey have been voicing expectations of firmer export PVC prices out...