Bristol, UK, 12 March, 2015 – TVS, a leader in software test and hardware verification solutions, today announced the successful completion of SystemC-based UVM software testing for Blu Wireless Technology.
BluWireless is a silicon IP company that develops mmWave wireless technology for advanced WiGig applications. Under the terms of the contract TVS tested and verified Blu Wireless’SystemC IP design, which led to a streamlining of the design process and improved IP.

Ray McConnell, CTO of BluWireless, commented, “Our main objective is to provide the highest level of quality of our outgoing IP for the lowest cost. After discussions with the verification engineers at TVS, we agreed that the development of a custom UVM environment in SystemC would provide the coverage driven constrained random verification of our IP blocks within a tightly-defined budget.”
The custom verification infrastructure was developed by TVS engineers in India, in close collaboration with the UK team during the entire testing and verification process. The application of theTVS methodology was successful. Constraint based random verification was enacted and high rates of detection were achieved quickly for both functional and code coverage.
Mike Bartley, CEO of TVS, commented, “TVS has a well-defined verification strategy based on the IP requirements, feature extraction and a UVM test bench, supported by asureSIGNTM. The infrastructure we developed has enabled this approach to be applied to BluWireless SystemC designs in a license free environment.”
Ray McConnell, added, “Working with TVS has enabled us to improve the quality of our outgoing IP through advanced verification techniques. Moreover, we have seen significant cost reduction through a license-free environment and offshore execution, which are key for a start-up like ourselves.”
The SystemC-UVM infrastructure developed by TVS is now available for use by TVS on other projects.