To bring you the best event, programme and experience, AMI’s SmartPackaging virtual summit will now betaking place on *14-16 December 2021 *and is *FREE * to attend.

This unique online event provides a platform for professionals from thesupply chain to connect and review the latest developments and solutionsin active and intelligent packaging technologies to benefit the industryand its consumers.

The virtual summit delivers a three-day programme of expert presentations,including live Q&A sessions, allowing attendees to interact, engage and bea part of discussions.

Smart Packaging virtual summit brings together some of the most influentialbrands in the industry including *Nestle* and *Kellogg’s* to give anin-depth view on sustainable packaging. *AIM *along with *P&G*,*Mondi* and *Plarebel

will discuss their pioneering digital watermarks project HolyGrail 2.0 forsmart packaging recycling in the EU. *AB InBev* will talk about the hurdlesFMCG companies face when trying to create and implement smart packaging.*Loop* will present examples of existing brand partners and reusablepackaging innovations. *Tetrapak *will explain how to level-up the consumerengagement activities with real-time data insights. *Takeda *will focus on the importance of smart packaging inpharmaceuticals. *Colgate Palmolive* to give an overview trends anddevelopments in the e-commerce packaging market.

“The pandemic has accelerated existing packaging megatrends and added afresh impetus for innovation. Smart packaging in particular is growingsignificantly. We will witness more developments in smarter materials thatwill prolong shelf life and reduce packaging weight. Also, a boost in theuse of IoT and AI is adding value for consumers, optimising operations, andmaximising data collection. The virtual summit will provide the idealenvironment to discuss the packaging needs and expectations of brand ownersand consumers, as well as exploring the evolution and disruption of thepackaging ecosystem.” – Pranita Nangia, Senior Conference Producer, AMIThe event also features a Start-Up Innovation Showcase, where up-and-comingcompanies have an opportunity to deliver their pitch on innovativeconcepts, products, or technologies related to the smart packaging space infront of the prestigious selection committee.

In addition to the comprehensive three-day agenda, the platform hosts avirtual exhibition area, allowing all attendees to explore and interactwith the packaging industry and its key players who will showcase theirproducts. During the designated networking sessions, professionals canconnect via private meetings which are scheduled with their chosencontacts.

For more information on attending the Smart Packaging virtual summit pleasevisit

About AMI

AMI is the leading provider of information, market intelligence andconferences for the global plastics industry. Our business is underpinnedby our talented staff and our unique databases. Our Consultants,Researchers, Writers and Event Organisers include many of the mostrespected experts in their fields. We can help you grow your business byidentifying exciting market opportunities, new customers and innovativetechnologies from our intimate understanding of the global plasticsprocessing industry, knowledge of how the markets have changed and wherethey are heading.

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