This year too, Sacmi-developed technology takes centre stage at the IPF fair in Dhaka

A growing market with enormous potential. A market in which Sacmi aims to continue playing a leading role by taking part, as in previous years, in the IPF (International Plastics, Packaging and Printing Industrial Fair) fair, the key industry event held in this Asian country from 23rd to 26th January 2013.
Bangladesh has a highly dynamic beverage industry on which all the major international players such as Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Euro Cola, RC Cola, Pran Cola and Mojo Cola are present, together with a series of local carbonated soft drink brands. Moreover, the country is also experiencing considerable growth in the flat soft drinks segment that includes, for example, fruit juices and mineral water.
Given the market’s excellent health, then, it will come as no surprise that Sacmi – which has been doing business in Bangladesh since 2004 when it supplied the first CSD line for the production of 2-piece plastic caps to the customer Padma – wanted to show off the very best of its drink production and packaging technology.
Sacmi has since gone on to increase its market presence, installing 5 further lines that use compression technology. Today, in addition to Padma, Sacmi’s customer portfolio includes Globe, Ast Beverages & Partex Beverages and the installed machines cover Sacmi’s entire closures range, that is, the renowned 24, 32 and 64-cavity CCMs for the production of single-piece and two-piece caps, thus covering the entire soft drinks supply chain.
Steady growth in terms of machines installed has also led the Sacmi Group to invest considerable resources in after-sales services, as highlighted by the establishment of a dedicated, highly efficient facility in the capital city of Dhaka. This constitutes a fundamental resource, ensuring we’re able to provide our customers with ever-closer support right from the design stage and make sure they enjoy nothing less than complete, highly competitive turnkey solutions that provide outstanding reliability, productivity and optimisation of energy consumption.