SABIC’s Innovative Plastics business introduced its new generation of Lexan sheet, XHR 5000, for aircraft multi-layer window shade systems requiring advanced Flame-Smoke-Toxicity (FST) properties and opacity. “The new availability of Lexan XHR sheet can help our aerospace customers solve their most pressing FST, design and performance needs and marks the debut of a new industry standard that will clearly make major contributions to the future of aircraft interior design.”
said Jack Govers, General Manager, Specialty Film & Sheet, SABIC. SABIC says testing by an independent laboratory demonstrated that thermoformable Lexan XHR 5000 sheet complies with the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) flammability requirements under the FAR 25.853 regulation, and smoke density and heat release requirements under the Ohio State University (OSU) 65/65 standard.
This material meets the following requirements:
- Vertical burn test – FAR 25.853 (a) Appendix F Part I (60 Sec. Vertical Burn)
- Heat release – (OSU 65/65) and FAR 25.853 (d) Appendix F Part IV
- Smoke density – FAR 25.853 (d) Appendix F Part V
- Toxicity requirements – Boeing BSS7239, Airbus ABD0031
Supplied as a white-pigmented cap layer over a black base, Lexan XHR 5000 sheet is engineered as a robust yet lightweight substrate to be laminated with decorative films and then thermoformed, the company adds.
Source http://www.adsalecprj.com/Publicity/MarketNews/lang-eng/article-127482/Article.aspx