Polymer Training and Innovation Centre (PTIC) is taking the green approach to training, thanks to a new partnership with Blue Sky Plastics Recycling. This partnership will see Blue Sky supporting PTIC by supplying premium quality recycled compounds derived from UK post consumer scrap sources.
The centre, based in Telford, is now using a range of recycled polymers from Blue Sky including PP, PS and ABS on their range of technical training courses using their own in-house moulding machinery. Blue Sky will also take back any scrap produced by PTIC from polymers supplied, ensuring a zero landfill solution.
This links in with the Government’s Waste Strategy to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and is a good example of using the waste ‘hierarchy’ pyramid. These issues are all covered in the Chartered Institute of Waste Management (CIWM) Waste Awareness Certificate (WAC) course that PTIC are also approved to deliver.
Chris Riddle, Managing Director of Blue Sky, said: “We are delighted to support PTIC by supplying our premium quality recycled compounds, introducing tomorrow’s injection moulders to the advantages of using recycled materials has to be good news for everyone involved.” Steve Harratt, Polymer Sector Account Manager for PTIC, added: “The results using our state of the art machinery, in-depth PTIC training and these recycled polymers never fail to amaze the students; it really is a win-win situation for everyone.”
Please see www.blueskyplastics.co.uk and www.wolvcoll.ac.uk/polymer for further details.