Plastisud: “Let us make your project a success”

Castelnaudary, France – February 2013. To meet the needs of the American market, the mold manufacturer and market leader PLASTISUDacquires INTEGRITY MOLD & DIE, arecognized mold maker in the USA. With this acquisition, Plastisud – Integritywillbring more effective solutions to the North American market.
Plastisud molds are famous for being robust, reliable and efficient. But the world runs faster and the needs of ourcustomers are changing, requiring faster technical support and reactivity.Soon, it will not be possible to imagine any mold refurbishment or repairfar away from itsmarket. With this acquisition, Plastisud begins a worldwide deployment in order to better satisfy customers expectations. Integrity,withits experience and knowledge of the American market, will allowfor a seamless implementationof this deployment.
“Plastisud already is an international company,exporting 80% of its molds to the five continents. With the addition of integrity, we now have a more robust global presence.” emphasizes Jean-Luc Giraud, CEO of PLASTISUD at Castelnaudary in France. “As a family-owned company, we are consolidatingour position as an international leader with worldwide locations.” highlights Laurent Buzzo, executive representative of the family-ownedPLASTISUD at Castelnaudary in France.“Plastisud will be able to bring better support and service to North American customers, from our Kentucky location” sustainsKleber Salazar, Sales & Marketing Manager at Plastisud USA.
On the other hand, “This acquisition will allow Integrity to expand its markets and increase its capabilities” underlines Dwight Looney, VP of Engineering at Integrity. Even though the integration process will take some time, from its central location in Mt. Vernon, Kentucky; the people at Plastisud–Integrity will continue to support and service existing Integrity customers as well as bringing new services to molds manufactured at Plastisud France.