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Plastics company to locate headquarters in Timnath

A plastics manufacturing company with offices in Fort Collins and Loveland plans to build a $12 million corporate headquarters near the

Harmony Road and Interstate 25 interchange to better serve the biofuels and biotech industries.

The company, Eldon James, received initial permission from the Timnath Planning Commission on Wednesday evening. The town board must still approve the project, which is not receiving any tax incentives.

The company hopes to break ground in March, and to grow from 35 employees to 70 during the next five years, officials said in a statement after the commission unanimously approved the plan.

The 75,000-square-foot building will be the first erected in the new Timnath Ranch Technology Park off Harmony at Innovate Place.

“We’re very excited,” said Timnath Mayor Jill Grossman-Belisle. “Eldon James represent the kind of high-caliber, high-integrity organization that we want to have in Timnath, and which sets the stage for attracting other primary employers of that quality.”

Eldon James next year will celebrate 25 years in business manufacturing plastic tubing and connectors. The new facility will contain clean rooms required for medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing; manufacturing facilities for automotive, food and beverage, and biofuels industries; and warehouse and office space.

“We chose to stay here because our valued employees are here and they love living in Colorado; we didn’t want to ask them to move and we didn’t want to lose them,” Marcia Coulson, founder and owner of Eldon James, said in a statement. “We too love living here: we looked at different cities and realized that we weren’t going to enjoy the quality of life we currently have elsewhere.”

Timnath has about 630 residents and receives virtually all of its sales taxes from the Walmart Supercenter at Harmony and I-25.

Grossman-Belisle said bringing Eldon James to the town is part of a long-term goal to diversify Timnath’s employment and tax base. She said Timnath officials are proud to have helped keep the company in Northern Colorado.

“We want good, solid business growth that includes primary employers and retail stores,” she said.


Source : www.coloradoan.com


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