At Plast 2015, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s Italian representation, Macam Srl, demonstrated its “Blue Technolution” concept with an all-electric injection molding machine featuring the technological module activeFlowBalance.
An all-electric IntElect 100 with clamping force 1,000kN produced wall plugs using a 32-cavity mold. The project is particularly challenging because it requires an even filling of 32 capacities without creating burrs. This is where the activeFlowBalance comes into effect.

The module is able to correct the uneven and unreliable balancing of multi-cavity molds and prevent related detrimental effects such as burrs, under-filling and mold damage.
It uses the expansion of the compressed plasticized material during the changeover between injection and holding pressure, which leads to a more extensive filling of partially filled cavities due to their lower counter pressure. The filling levels balance themselves out naturally without extending cycle times.
The wall plugs were removed by a linear robot from Yushin Precision Equipments Co. Ltd. The SAS Automation gripper system places the dowel on a conveyor belt. The quality of the molded parts is monitored by an Ushio Lighting Co., Ltd. camera system.