Nomacorc, a US producer of alternative wine closures, introduces a new zero carbon footprint wine closure, Select Bio, which is said to be the world’s first. It was presented at the Intervitis Interfructa show, held from April 24-27 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Select Bio closures are 100% recyclable and made from renewable polymers derived from sugar cane. The closures will mirror Nomacorc’s current Select Series portfolio in oxygen management performance, minimizing the environmental impact of wines by preventing spoilage and waste from wine faults such as oxidation and reduction, introduces the company.
“Select Bio is an exciting milestone in Nomacorc’s long history of industry-leading research and innovation,” said Lars von Kantzow, President & CEO, Nomacorc LLC. “Not only are we able to serve wineries seeking a more reliable and sustainable packaging solution, but we can reduce our overall corporate carbon footprint while taking an important first step towards our goal of minimizing the use of fossil-based energy and materials across our entire range of products.”
Select Bio is especially suited for organic and biodynamic wines that minimize the use of sulfites for wine preservation. Nomacorc notes that its patented co-extrusion process has the ability to control oxygen ingress, reducing a wine’s susceptibility to spoilage due to oxygen mismanagement while improving post-bottle aging and bottle-to-bottle consistency.
As said, incorporating plant-based polymers into Nomacorc’s formulation fully offsets positive emissions originating from conventional raw materials in the product, resulting in closures having a zero carbon footprint.
“The use of plant-based materials provides extra benefits to the already strong performance of Nomacorc closures in end-of-life disposal scenarios, including recycling and incineration,” said Dr Olav Aagaard, Nomacorc’s Principal Scientist. “So when evaluating a closure’s carbon footprint, its susceptibility to spoiling wine and the environmental impact of end-of-life disposal, Select Bio is clearly the only solution that fully addresses all three aspects of the closure’s life cycle.”
The Select Bio Series will include three distinct products, each with different oxygen ingress levels. It will have the same look and feel as the traditional Select Series including serrated ends, chamfered edges, custom side printing and optional custom end-printing.
Source: http://www.adsalecprj.com/Publicity/MarketNews/lang-eng/article-67004712/Article.aspx