It is reported that every tonne of glass recycled saves 322 kWh of energy, 246kg of CO2 and the need to quarry 1.2 tonnes of virgin raw materials. Anything that improves the 30% of glass that is currently recycled every year in the UK is therefore to be encouraged from the economic as well as the environmental standpoints.

Although there are some 50,000 bottle banks in the UK there are collection points where their sheer size makes their deployment inappropriate. Leafield Environmental’s Envirobin Maxi ‘fits the bill’ in such situations but, until now, the collection liner, when full of bottles, was very heavy to manoeuvre and difficult to handle.
The Company has now developed a multi-stacking liner system incorporating up to three interlocking liners, each with handles. When the top liner is full it can be moved to the bottom with relative ease and a new empty liner is brought into action. Glass collection frequency is not disrupted but manual handling of the empty bottles is made much easier thanks to the new liner system.
Further help comes in the shape of an optional, purpose made, four castor, dolly that enables the full liners to be wheeled away with relative ease.