Product News

New star in the BorPure family – BorPureTM RF490MO – sets sustainability standard

New star in the BorPure family - BorPureTM RF490MO - sets sustainability standard
New star in the BorPure family - BorPureTM RF490MO - sets sustainability standard
New star in the BorPure family - BorPureTM RF490MO - sets sustainability standard

Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions, launches new polypropylene (PP) grade BorPureTM RF490MO, offering packaging converters a saving in cycle time of up to 10% and an energy reduction of up to 5% in the creation of lightweight hinge closures with superior optics.

The random copolymer PP innovation for transparent and non-opaque coloured closures sets a new benchmark in combining advanced product performance with sustainability in the conversion of lightweight closure solutions through more efficient and environmentally considerate manufacturing. BorPure RF490MO offers an outstanding stiffness/impact balance with excellent transparency and optical appeal as a new star in the BorPure family.

BorPure RF490MO’s broad spectrum of benefits derive from the 20-30% higher stiffness levels and dimensional colour stability achieved with proprietary Borealis Nucleation Technology (BNT), while retaining the impact performance of existing random PP grades. Tests comparing the new grade with the market’s current reference materials have shown the following advantages for converters and brand owners:

• Low processing temperature / faster cycle times – BorPure RF490MO’s high fluidity simplifies processing for a smoother production cycle. It enables converters to use 20% lower barrel temperatures than in standard conditions. This step-change contributes to faster crystallisation behaviour creating a saving in cycle time of up to 10%. The reduction in temperature allows converters to use up to 5% less energy, creating cost and carbon footprint savings.

• Excellent colour stability – BorPure RF490MO shows excellent dimensional stability at colour masterbatch changes thanks to Borealis proprietary nucleation technology (BNT). This ensures that customers need not optimise process conditions to control the dimensional specifications.

• Superior optical appearance – The enhanced rigidity / impact balance of BorPure RF490MO creates superior hinge performance over time adding to the improved visuals of the closure. High-level transparency is achieved despite the low processing temperatures.

• Excellent organoleptics – BorPure grades preserve desired product taste and appearance, and are approved for use in food contact applications.

• Downgauging potential – The exceptional high stiffness of BorPure RF490MO potentially allows downgauging by 10% without losing overall mechanical properties of the final product at reduced wall thickness.

“Supporting the sustainability goals of our customers and their markets is a cornerstone of Borealis’ research and development efforts,” comments Rainer Höfling, Borealis Vice President Business Unit Moulding. “The launch of BorPureTM RF490MO offers closure converters new opportunities to realise the visual and performance requirements of their customers, their own need for improved manufacturing efficiency and the possibility to reduce their environmental impact in one solution.”

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