New & Noteworthy Products

We just posted some new products to the Product Showcase that we think you will be interested in.

New & Noteworthy Products
New & Noteworthy Products

First, we would like to point out Grayhill Inc.’s latest model in its line of Multi-Touch Human Interface Devices, the Series T2 Multi-Touch Control Wheel, which is part of its Instinct Touch Technology control system. Approximately 4.5 inches in overall diameter, the T2 has the functionality of four devices in one unit: multi-touch touchpad, virtual 4 to 256 position rotary encoder, virtual 4 position joystick, and proximity sensor.

Next is SKF USA Inc.’s SKF Insight, which was developed for use with new SKF bearings. This technology enables SKF bearings to communicate their operating conditions continuously — with all the intelligence integrated inside the bearing, including self-power, sensors, cables, and data acquisition electronics.

Finally, Teknor Apex Company’s Clear Rigid PVC contains a UV-blocking formulation that provides clarity for photobioreactor and other outdoor tubing. This makes it useful in applications such as algae farming for biofuel.

Multi-Touch Control Wheel reads gestures
Grayhill Inc.’s Series T2 Multi-Touch Control Wheel (MTCW) offers an expanded array of sensor data options, allowing the system to interpret many different finger gestures for machine command and image manipulation.

Instinct Touch Technology combines a robust Gesture Recognition Library with the T2 MTCW to track movements on the device’s touch pad, using as many as five fingers at a time. The data is then read as gestures, which are fed to the user’s application or operating system, allowing the T2 to function in a similar manner as the iPhone.


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