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NDRC reports China's recycling industry achieved considerable growth

NDRC reports China's recycling industry achieved considerable growth
NDRC reports China's recycling industry achieved considerable growth
NDRC reports China's recycling industry achieved considerable growth

According to the “Integrated usage of China resources report 2012” recently released by China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the recycling industry contributed largely to reducing the consumption of petroleum and pollution.

China consumed 70 million tons of synthetic resins a year, with a 73.8% of self-sufficiency. Meanwhile, there were 30 million tons of plastics waste created annually. Therefore, the ability to recycle plastics can bring substantial benefit in terms of saving resources and environmental friendliness, notes NDRC. Since 2006, China recycled 120 million tons of plastic waste, which is equivalent to saving 360 million tons of crude oil.

According to Cao Jian, Vice Chairman of China Plastics Processing Industry Association, there are more than 10,000 companies engaged in the recycling business. Large and medium corporations accounted for 40% of the total recycling volume. Most of them are located in the better developed coastal area, benefiting from a stable supply of plastics waste and bigger market demand. Their sorting and recycling systems are more advanced and in large scale, thereby achieving low costs, high efficiency and high competiveness.

Despite being one of the largest recycling countries in the world in terms of volume, China’s green industry faces several problems, comments Guan Aiguo, Director of Recycling Resources Office, All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.

Inadequate laws and regulations, lack of market planning and quality standards are hampering the growth of China’s recycling industry, he says. It is important to develop a better regulatory and tax systems, push for technological innovations, increase recycling efficiency as well as achieving non-hazardous waste treatment.


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