Companies listed under motor vehicle parts manufacturing are defined as being primarily engaged in manufacturing motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts; motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment; motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except springs); motor vehicle brake systems; motor vehicle transmission and power train parts; motor vehicle seating and interior trim; motor vehicle metal stampings; and/or other motor vehicle parts and accessories (such as air filters, catalytic converters, mufflers, etc.).​ BizVibe’s detailed company profile insights help users to discover, track, evaluate, and connect with motor vehicle parts manufacturing companies from all over the world.

More Details

BizVibe’s Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Industry Group Contains the Following:

Detailed company profiles, spanning across 75+ countries

60+ related product and service categories

Company news tracking

What’s in a Company Profile?

  • Organizational insights such as key competitors, operating categories, products, and service offerings
  • Employee details such as key company personnel, stakeholders, and decision makers.
  • Company performance and risk monitoring
  • Latest company news with the option to sign up for weekly or monthly alerts

Top Countries

BizVibe’s platform contains 5,000+ motor vehicle parts manufacturing​ company profiles which span across 75+ countries:

  • 2000+ companies in USA
  • 400+ companies in UK
  • 300+ companies in India
  • 200+ companies in Canada
  • 100+ companies in China

Manufacturing Industry Companies

The motor vehicle parts manufacturing​ industry group is a part of BizVibe’s manufacturing industry. There are 86 manufacturing industry groups in total. Discover manufacturing companies for related industry groups:

  • Paint, Coating, And Adhesive Manufacturing
  • Plastic Product Manufacturing
  • Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing
  • Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing
  • Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills

BizVibe for Buyers and Sellers

BizVibe is the modern B2B platform dedicated to connecting global buyers and sellers. Powered by the latest best-in-class solutions, BizVibe provides outstanding product features for both category managers and sales professionals.

For buyers, BizVibe helps companies quickly discover and shortlist suppliers, compare companies, create customized alerts for supplier news, and send RFI/RFPs from pre-built templates. For sales teams, Bizvibe allows users to efficiently build prospects lists, track and evaluate companies, and integrate their CRM.

This all-in-one platform was designed to equip users with all necessary tools needed to complete the entire buying/sales cycle in a single workspace.

About BizVibe

BizVibe has been conceptualized and built by a team based out of Toronto, Bangalore, and London. We are a branch of Infiniti Research and have dedicated units in all three locations. BizVibe helps buyers find the most relevant suppliers from around the world and help sellers target prospects who need their products and/or services. For more information, please visit and start for free today.


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