Davis-Standard’s Technical Center in Pawcatuck, the US is adding four-extruder coex sheet line; a high-tech medical tubing line in a clean room environment; and a high-speed extruder for Research & Development (R&D) projects with customers and in-house development. The high-speed extruder is already operational with the other two projects slated for completion by the end of the year.
The coex sheet line is 40″ wide and will be equipped to run a wide range of product and thicknesses, the US extrusion machinery supplier introduces. The line features four extruders configured to run both monolayer and coextruded products. This includes two 1.5″ extruders; a 2.5″ extruder; and a 3.5″ extruder. The 2.5″ and 3.5″extruders will be arranged in either a 30:1 or 34:1 L/D configuration and either vented or non-vented.
An inventory of advanced screw designs for various materials will be available based on application. The line will have the capability to use shear technology for thick, rigid products that cannot be wound. It will also be equipped with a cantilever winder capable of producing rolls of various diameters. This winder has several modes of operation and is capable of winding over a wide tension range.
According to Davis-Standard, other advantages of the line include gravimetric blending stations with in-line drying; co-extrusion capabilities with a co-extrusion feed block and available micro-layer technology; thin gauge capability using roll stand skewing; a roll stand unwind station for sheet laminating applications; protective film unwind stations at the pull roll; thickness measurement using x-ray backscatter gauging technology; and melt pump and screen changers.