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Mkts opening up for Indian rubber products: Kurien

With developed countries focussing on Asian countries to invest in all sectors, including automobile, markets are increasingly opening up for Indian rubber products, a top official of the Rubber Board on Tuesday said.

Out of the total rubber consumption in the country, 60% was being accounted by 50-60 large tyre companies having adequate infrastructure and R&D facilities, newly appointed Board chairman, VJ Kurien said delivering the inaugural address int he training on Non tyre Automotive Rubber Components.

But the majority of the manufacturing units, numbering about 5,000 which consumes the remaining 40% are micro, small and medium enterprises. These units require further stregthening, through training and other measurers to become globally competitive, he said.

R Mukhopadhyay, director, Harisankar Singhania Elastomer and Tyre Research Institute, Rajasthan, who presided, stressed the need to be quality and cost conscious. Industries in India are loosing 25% of their sale due to poor quality, he said.

The programme was the first in the series of training programmes arranged by Rubber Training Institute (RTI) in collaboration with Indian Rubber Institute (IRI), a professional body of technocrats in the field.

The RTI will be arranging further training programmes to address problems faced by the Indian rubber industry such as those related to technical updation, quality issues, market development and cost control.


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