LOCTITE® EA E-102 High Performance Epoxy Adhesive
LOCTITE° EA E-io2 is a high performance two-part epoxy adhesive that produces a tough, high strength bond and can be used for a wide range of materials like metal, glass, ceramic, wood, many rigid plastics etc.
1. Fast Flxture 2. Longer Working Time
3. Higher Coverage 4. Substrate Versallty
High Perfomance Bonding & Potting Applications
Application Method
1. For maximum bond strengh apply adhesive evenly to both surface to be joined.
2. Application to the substrates should be made within go minutes. Larger qualities and/or higher temperatures will reduce this working time.
3. join the adhesive coated surface and allow to curve at 25 degree C for high strengh.
4. Keep parts form moving during cure.
Contact pressure is necessary
Ordring Information
Product SKU IDH MRP(Rs.)
1kg Resin 2320521 320
1kg Hardener 2312279 460
5kg Resin 2320524 1,490
5kg Hardener 2320065 2,060
Source : Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
Tel. : +91-22-39296600/1