The all India launch function of Indplas’12 – 6th International Exhibition on Plastics was held on February 3 at Pragati maidan in New Delhi.
The programme was held during Plastindia 2012 exhibition to generate awareness amongst PI-12 exhibitors on the need to participate in Indplas’12 exhibition.
Over 175 persons mainly exhibitors, participated at the launch function.
Rajesh Mohta, President – IPF in his welcome address spoke on the history of the Federation, its activities and the important role being played by the Federation in promoting the plastics industry in India. He briefly introduced Indplas ’12 jointly organized by IPF and Plastindia and supported by DCPC and all leading Plastics association .
Invited exhibitors to TAP growing eastern India market since there already exist a ready market of Processed goods of around 2 kg per capita.
Amar Seth, Chairman of Indplas’12 Exhibition Organising Committee and IPF Knowledge Centre highlighted on the noble objectives for holding this exhibition.
Substantial surplus from the exhibition would be utilized for setting up IPF Knowledge centre on a One Acre land already registered and ready for construction at Poly Park near Kolkata . The IPF Knowledge Centre will require Rs.25 crores when fully developed in phases.
Apart from imparting Training with hands on experience for processing industry, IPF has also decided to install a demo reprocessing Plant to convert Mixed Scrap with laminates to Wood Lumber. Plasticulture will be showcased in open area.
The surplus from the exhibition would help fund part of the project. Shri Amar Seth solicited participants to join the exhibition either as exhibitors or visitors. He also invited industry to support this cause by accepting to be one of the Sponsors under various category. Sponsors name shall be permanently acknowledged at the KC.
Guest of Honour,Ashok Goel, President – Plastindia Foundation, who was the Guest of Honour spoke on the difference between other exhibition and Indplas’12. He greatly appreciated the objectives of the exhibition. He also stated that PIF has made a commitment to DCPC that they will set up Demo Recycling units in four METROS of India and the first recycling unit for conversion of waste plastics –including laminates – into wood lumber will come up within the premises of IPF Knowledge Centre.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be around Rs.2 crore and PIF has made a commitment to fund 75% of the Project cost. The balance money will come from the surplus of Indplas’12. He was confident that IPF KC will certainly take shape soon. He requested industry captains to come forward for sponsoring this exhibition.
Goel also appreciated and thanked IPF team for working relentlessly in management of PI’12.
Chief Guest, S. C. Meshram, Executive Director – Petrochemicals, Business Development, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd welcomed the objective of exhibition and setting up badly needed training centre. Plastic Industry is growing year after year and to run machines industry will need trained man power. He outlined growth prospects of Processing industry in India. Conveyed good luck to IPF for both Exhibition and IPF KC. Mr Meshram also assured full cooperation to IPF.
As a mark of respect mementos were presented to Shri S. C. Meshram and Shri Ashok Goel.
After presentation of mementos a short promotional film on Indplas’12 was shown to the audience.
Brochures on Indplas’12 along with stall tariff, Indplas’12 calendars and a copy of our magazine ‘Plastics India’ January 2012 issue was distributed amongst the participants.
Sourabh Khemani, Co-Chairman – Indplas’12 Exhibition Organising Committee thanked the Guests and audience for participating in the launch function.
Source : www.smetimes.in