At the recently concluded Tire Technology Expo & Conference 2013, several Lanxess technical experts reported their latest innovation. “The worldwide tire labeling initiatives are a key incentive for the global tire industry, and our recent comprehensive survey of the Solution Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SSBR) market captured the mood of this industry,” Christoph Kalla, Head of Marketing in the Performance Butadiene Rubbers (PBR) business unit of specialty chemicals group Lanxess, summed up. “Anyone who is looking to make tires even safer and even more economical needs advanced tire rubbers.”
During a presentation titled “Retread: a sustainable option with rubbers from Lanxess”, Mônica Romero Santos Fernandes from Lanxess Elastômeros do Brasil SA describes how tire treads’ abrasion properties can be improved by using Lanxess Buna SL instead of the emulsion SBR rubbers used to date, such as Buna SE.Heike Kloppenburg from Lanxess’ BU Performance Butadiene Rubbers presented the topic new neodymium-catalysed butadiene rubbers (NdBR) are far easier to process than standard NdBR.
Lanxess SSBR expert Norbert Steinhauser talked on a new technology for making functionalized SSBR using both the batch process and continuous polymerization. Another speaker from Lanxess Alex Lucassen presented results of the comprehensive tire tests the company has been performing for around a year. Polymer physicist Saeid Kheirandish explained how critical rubber processing parameters can influence the tire compound’s properties.
The latest polybutadiene generation, for example, boasts both high energy efficiency and a longer service life – two aspects that are particularly important for tire rubbers but have so far been hard to combine. Last but not least, Goran Stojcevic, Technical Marketing Manager, Lanxess NV, Belgium presented how bromobutyl rubber can enhance a tire’s traction and safety properties.