Processors familiar with the nXheat induction barrel heating technology from Nordson Xaloy (New Castle, PA) for non-contact heating of injection barrels now have a potential alternative from a Korean source in the Eco-heater from ECOnomical Heater Co. (Siheung, Korea). The Eco-heaters employs insulated Litz cables wrapped around a foam-insulated barrel to heat the injection cylinder, and in doing so reduce power consumption by up to 60% according to its supplier.
“We’ve taken the Xaloy technology and made improvements so that it works better in an industrial environment,” says ECOnomical Heater overseas sales director K.J. Choi. “And because it’s developed in Korea, if a local customer wants to invest in this technology they can obtain a seven-year loan from the Korean government at a 2.75% annual interest rate.”
Hyundai Mobis is one Korean molder using the system, employing 6 x 8 kW modules on a 3000-tonne JSW press for molding bumpers. The processor has been able to reduced barrel preheating time from 112 using ceramic heaters to 91 minutes, as well as energy consumption during production from 24 kW/hr. to 12 kW/hr. This equated to savings of over $21,000 annually. “Generally, users can enjoy a payback period of one year,” says Choi. Egyptian appliance manufacture El Allabi is one company planning to test the merits of the Eco-heater. Four such systems are being installed on 350- and 850-tonne injection presses at two locations, and all going well the companies intends to deploy the system on all 200 of its LS and Toshiba presses.
Iranian processor OUNCE, meanwhile, is trying the Eco-heater out on a 2500-tonne LS press that molds HDPE plastic pallets. “With a shot size of 20 kg, a lot of resin needs to be melted so the Eco-heater can save a lot of energy,” says Choi. Like Egypt, India also faces issues with insufficient supply of electricity and is also focusing on this market. An Iranian pipe extruder is also interested in the barrel heating system.