The High Tech Extrusion group presents its new TEC 4s. This control system has been already delivered with orders for extruders in the last months but now it can be also ordered as retrofit kit exclusively for High Tech Extrusion – Theysohn Extruders. High Tech Extrusion, consisting of the companies Theysohn, Technoplast, Topf and Extruder-Komponenten Salzgitter, is an “all-in-one” provider which has developed a unique series of extrusion lines, tools and pipe heads. After the latest development of the new OMNIA series and the new RK Streamliner pipe head, High Tech Extrusion now presents the new TEC 4s as retrofit kit.
The new Extruder Control System TEC 4s, developed in cooperation with Siemens according to the newest state-of-the-art technique, combines simple handling and an efficient control system in a unique way. An operating terminal optimized for heavy industrial conditions enables a comfortable control of the whole extrusion line in combination with the modern HMI-Software. The 19“ touch screen guarantees easiest operation with large soft-keys and intuitive colour and graphic design.
The core of the new Theysohn Extruder Control System is a powerful, fanless and therefore maintenance-free industrial-PC. The communication between the TEC 4s and all drives, peripheral devices and the whole downstream equipment works through the most efficient bussystem – PROFIBUS. Operational reliability and short down time are achieved by simple wiring because of selected high-class components, an analysis program and remote maintenance via LAN and/or WAN.
The major advantage is that in 99 % of all cases the customer himself can maintain or exchange spart part of the system. This saves of the visit of a Theysohn technician.A few simple steps without big technical know-how are sufficient to change frequency converters or CF-cards and therefore production downtime can be avoided respectively software updates can be installed simply and quickly.
Retrofit upgrade to TEC 4s – exclusively for all High Tech Extrusion – Theysohn Extruders
Following a check for compatibility of main drive and dosing unit, space requirement for the new control cabinet is assessed whereupon the existing control cabinet is replaced together with the installation of the 19” touch screen. This solution provides an upgrade to a state-of-the-art management of the entire extrusion line with its existing components whilst the overall investment remains manageable in comparison with the acquisition of a new extruder.
- Two independent operating systems (Windows XP Embedded, WinAC RTX)
- In case of emergency the main-motor can be started independently from the PLC.
- Operator panels extruder and downstream:
o Particularly robust and compact.
o Very high protection class IP65.
o Surface of touch-screen made of special glass.
o No mechanical parts.
- Dust-free control cabinet:
o Closed air circulation.
o Heat exchangers for cooling the control cabinet, instead of fans.
- Pre-Leading Quality Measurement: In-time visualization if actual values of resulting figures are not correct
- Access to remote maintenance via Internet and/or Intranet
- Quick connection system of tooling: One common socket for electrical-energy and for temperature sensors
- Diagnostics- and drives information: Easy diagnosis of the extrusion line
- Maintenance management: Recording of operating hours and display of an alarm when reaching the maintenance interval is reached
- Automatic self-tuning of temperatures: Self-tuning at any switch-on of heating. Helpful, when often changing toolings
- Heating current monitoring: Cyclical measuring of actual current by current transformers, hence quick detection of damaged heating zones
- Timer Heating: Heating-up of extruder without operator on site therefore time saving
- Speed controlled vacuum- and water pumps: Pumps run only at the speed which is required for production of the necessary vacuum.
- The extruder main motor is an energy saving motor
- Production data acquisition: Process-data are continuously monitored, stored and evaluated
High Tech Extrusion
High Tech Extrusion is the umbrella brand name for the four extrusion specialists Theysohn, Technoplast, Topf and Extruder-Komponenten Salzgitter. High Tech Extrusion operates internationally with four production sites in Austria and Germany as well as sales offices in Russia and India. This group of companies, which bundles 30 years of experience in extrusion technology, belongs to HTI, High Tech Industries AG, an international technology group offering high-tech products in the fields of lightweight construction, engineering and energy technology. Renowned companies such as HTP, Gruber & Kaja, BBG Baugeräte and Hitzinger are part of the HTI Group.