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Global Lime and Gypsum Products Market Report 2021: Forecast to 2025 & 2030 Featuring Carmeuse, Graymont, Lhoist, & Mississippi Lime and Minerals Technologies –

Lime and Gypsum Products Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery to 2030 provides the strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global lime and gypsum product market as it emerges from the COVID-19 shut down.

Major companies in the lime and gypsum products market include Carmeuse; Graymont; Lhoist; Mississippi Lime and Minerals Technologies.

The global lime and gypsum products market is expected to grow from $55.19 billion in 2020 to $58.48 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6%.

The growth is mainly due to the companies rearranging their operations and recovering from the COVID-19 impact, which had earlier led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of commercial activities that resulted in operational challenges. The market is expected to reach $78.06 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 7%.

The lime and gypsum products market consists of sales of lime and gypsum products by entities (organizations, sole traders and partnerships) manufacturing lime from calcitic limestone or other calcareous materials, such as coral, chalk and shells and manufacturing gypsum products such as wallboard, plaster, plasterboard, molding, ornamental moldings, statuary, and architectural plaster work. Raw materials used for lime and gypsum product manufacturing include calcite limestone, dolomite limestone, and other calcareous materials such as coral, chalk, and shells.

Limestone quarried by blasting the mines is crushed and fed into a rotary kiln. The rotary kiln transforms the limestone into lime when subjected to high temperature. Lime refining process includes milling, hydration, and lime slurry preparation. Gypsum is used in production of plaster, plaster boards, gypsum fireboards and gypsum blocks. Small quantities of high-purity gypsum are also used in confectionary, food, brewing, sugar beet refining, and the pharmaceuticals industry. The lime and gypsum products market is segmented into lime products and gypsum products.

Western Europe was the largest region in the global lime and gypsum products market, accounting for 29% of the market in 2020. Asia Pacific was the second largest region accounting for 28% of the global lime and gypsum products market. Africa was the smallest region in the global lime and gypsum products market.

Global lime and gypsum product manufacturing companies are adopting and implementing IoT technology to improve their efficiencies and drive productivity. IoT connects people, machines, and services enabling the flow of information and real-time decisions. IoT technology offers benefits such as increased asset uptime, efficient predictive maintenance and faster processing and delivery time. According to a survey conducted by Mckinsey, 27% of the manufacturing companies adopt IoT to optimize service operations, 20% to improve visibility of operations, 14% to enable new business models, products and services and 12% to optimize manufacturing process.

Automated manufacturing systems are gaining popularity as they enhance manufacturing productivity and reduce operating costs. Automation systems refers to a machine, tool or technology such as robotic and AI technology that helps to reduce human intervention and improve safety in the lime and gypsum manufacturing processes such as processing, assembling, material handling.

This allows manufacturing companies to increase efficiency and production, improve safety on the manufacturing floor, enhance product quality, perform complex and varied tasks, enhance process stability, provide flexibility to produce products and eliminate routine manual tasks.

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