Press Release

El-Exis SP hybrid concept from Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is 20

El-Exis SP series from Sumitomo (SHI) Demag — clamping forces up to 800t

Schwaig, April 18, 2018 — With a market share exceeding 20 %, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is the
leading manufacturer of injection moulding machinery for plastic packaging. Launched twenty
years ago, the hybrid El-Exis SP is the main contributor to this success. Now in its fourth
generation, it is the quickest and most advanced machine on the market.

Energy efficiency marks the fourth generation of the El-Exis SP

Located in Schwaig near Nuremberg, the injection moulding machine manufacturer has adapted the highspeed
machine from version to version to meet the increasingly exacting demands of packaging
producers. The fourth generation was introduced in 2016 and is primarily distinguished by its optimised
use of energy and resources — one of the most pressing challenges in engineering given the global
increase of production volumes. Depending on production parameters, it requires up to 20 % less energy
when compared to its predecessor. The hydraulic accumulator enables the achievement of injection
speeds of up to 1,000 mm/s and accelerations of up to 4g. Intelligent accumulator control simultaneously
ensures process-dependent, variable accumulator allocation.

Machine with clamping force of 8,000 kN broadens the spectrum

The hybrid concept combines the high speed demanded by the customer with availability and reliability in
a single machine — characteristics which are particularly indispensable during typical packaging
applications involving high quantities and a low part weight. “Right from the outset, development of the ElExis
focused on the demand that performance, service life and energy consumption should play equally
important roles and that no sacrifices should be made in this respect”, explained Arnaud Nomblot,
Director Business Development Packaging at Sumitomo (SHI) Demag. The dynamic hybrid drive ensures
a maximum level of performance and excellent process consistency and accuracy, both during
acceleration and braking. “In the area of packaging, we primarily benefit from two facts. First of these is
our specific experience in this sector, for example during the design of mould clamping plates which,
thanks to finite element analysis, exhibit considerably superior rigidity to conventional plates and,
secondly, the high vertical range of manufacturing in our company. Crucial machine elements such as
screws, plates or columns are manufactured by us rather than being purchased outside”, continues
Nomblot. “This direct control of manufacturing precision is a decisive factor in ensuring that the machine
meets all requirements in the high-speed range and works reliably and accurately over the years.”
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag now also meets the growing demand for large machinery for multiple cavities by
expanding the clamping force range of the El-Exis SP series. With maximum clamping forces of 8,000 kN,
the machine impresses through a dry cycle time of 2.05 seconds during daily operation. Cycle times of
less than 4 seconds for the production of milk product containers (500 gram) in an 8-cavity IML mould
underline the aspiration of the German-Japanese machine manufacturer to set the high-speed
benchmark on the market with the El-Exis SP.

Broad application spectrum as standard feature

Next to the ejection rate, repeatability, availability, efficiency and sustainability, versatility has since
become an equally important development driver. The El-Exis SP opens up a wide process window to the
user when it comes to cycle times and process parameters such as injection speed. IML, two-component
and injection compression moulding are also standard. Injection compression moulding in particular is
one of the technologies at Sumitomo (SHI) Demag that is suitable for more sustainable, higher quality
and, simultaneously, more cost-effective packaging production. A high precision level and the injection
speed of El-Exis SP machines transform injection compression moulding into speed compression, even in
the standard version. For example, trays made of a PP Mfi 20 with a flow path wall density ratio of 450:1
are produced in a cycle time of 3.5 seconds in a 2+2 cavity level mould developed and patented by
Plastisud. This technique achieves wall thicknesses up to 25 % thinner and, consequently, a lower part
weight with comparable product characteristics. In addition, the customer can run processes with around
30 % lower clamping forces.

Two-component injection moulding is also part of the standard repertoire of the El-Exis SP, which allows
applications such as the production of premium packaging with a high level of transparency, in-mould
labelling and superior-quality colouring. Injection moulding of buckets with an integrated handle is also
possible using the two-component process. This extremely rapid and stable process was standardised
and optimised together with Brink Werkzeuge. Thanks to maximum performance, large machines in the
El-Exis SP series are particularly suitable for the production of buckets that require higher clamping

Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH

Sumitomo (SHI) Demag hat die Entwicklung der Kunststoffbranche seit Beginn an nachhaltig geprägt. Als
Spezialist für Spritzgießmaschinen zur Kunststoffverarbeitung gehört Sumitomo (SHI) Demag gemeinsam
mit seinem japanischen Mutterkonzern Sumitomo Heavy Industries zu den weltweit führenden
Unternehmen der Branche.
Das globale Entwicklungs- und Produktionsnetzwerk von Sumitomo Heavy Industries und Sumitomo
(SHI) Demag besteht aus vier Werken in Japan, Deutschland und China mit mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeitern.
Das Produktportfolio umfasst vollelektrisch und hybrid angetriebene Spritzgießmaschinen im
Schließkraftspektrum zwischen 180 und 20.000 kN. Mit über 115.000 installierten Maschinen ist
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in allen wichtigen Märkten der Welt präsent.
Das Sumitomo-Stammwerk in Chiba, Japan stellt Maschinen mit kleinen und mittleren Schließkräften her.
Rund 95 % aller ausgelieferten Maschinen besitzen ein vollelektrisches Antriebskonzept. Mit mehr als
5.000 verkauften Maschinen pro Jahr gilt Sumitomo Heavy Industries mit ihrer
Kunststoffmaschinensparte als einer der größten globalen Hersteller von Spritzgießmaschinen.
Die deutschen Demag-Standorte in Schwaig und Wiehe fertigen mit hybridem Antriebskonzept die
Baureihe Systec Servo sowie die Hochleistungs- und Schnelllaufmaschinen El-Exis SP und Systec SP.
Die Baureihe IntElect mit elektrischer Antriebstechnik wird ebenfalls in Deutschland für den
internationalen Markt produziert.

In Ningbo/China ist Sumitomo (SHI) Demag bereits seit 1998 mit einer Produktion vor Ort. Seit Mitte 2015
verfügt das dortige Tochterunternehmen Demag Plastics Machinery (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. über ein neues
Werk mit 13.000 m² Nutzfläche, in dem die Serie Systec C mit 500 bis 10.000 kN Schließkraft für
asiatische Märkte gefertigt wird. Neben Spritzgießmaschinen bietet Sumitomo (SHI) Demag
kundenindividuelle und standardisierte Systeme zur Automatisierung des Formteilhandlings, verfahrensund
prozesstechnische Lösungen für Sonderanwendungen, maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungen und
Servicekonzepte sowie Angebote zur Finanzierung der Investition in Spritzgießmaschinen.
Mit seinem lückenlosen Vertriebs- und Servicenetzwerk aus Tochtergesellschaften und Vertretungen ist
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in allen wichtigen Industriemärkten präsent.

Amely Groner, Marketing Manager
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH
Tel.: +49 911 5061-5005







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