Schwerzenbach, Switzerland- METTLER TOLEDO offers a new and unique service to titration customers, the Measurement Uncertainty Pac (MuPac), part of the Good Titration PracticeTMSecure service offerings. MuPac offers a detailed calculation of a titration method’s result uncertainty accounting for all processes involved in the titration and sample preparation. This enables users to comply with ISO17025 requirements, optimize SOPs or learn the uncertainty of results for proper product specifications.

Although fully detailed and available to perform unassisted, the calculation of measurement uncertainty can be a complex process. With the MuPac service, one simply needs to run six or more titrations on a sample or standard and fill out a downloadable form with the MuPac registration. Using ISO9000 validated software for calculations, a titration measurement uncertainty and full report tracing the calculations for compliance is generated and emailed to the end user.
An often neglected component of EN/ECN/ISO17025 compliance is that one must quantify the measurement uncertainty of an analysis in the laboratory. The ISO9000 validated software and fully detailed report generated with the MuPac service takes the responsibility for complex calculations and proof of calculations from the end user, enabling them to focus on their laboratory analyses. The tailored report provides the necessary knowledge and documentation to meet ISO audits.
The MuPac report also details which laboratory instruments, chemicals and environmental factors have the greatest influence on the measurement uncertainty. The report offers insights into everything involved in the titration process, including but not limited to; laboratory temperature, balance or pipette accuracy during sample preparation, reagents, and the titration accessories such as burette and sensor being used. MuPac is ideal for optimizing reproducibility, repeatability and accuracy.
When considering limits for product specifications, the measurement uncertainty is critical for also knowing the limits of analytical results. The MuPac assists in adjusting a lab’s specification limits accordingly, now that the uncertainty of a titration analysis is known. Adjusting product result limits while taking the measurement uncertainty into account ensures that products are truly within specification based off a single result.
Visit to download the MuPac datasheet or to register for one of our periodically offered Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Titration Live Webinars.
With the new MuPac from METTLER TOLEDO, users can rest assured that the true limits of uncertainty for a titration are known and documented, which steps and factors influence the uncertainty and the simplest and most effective ways to meet any ISO audits.