DSM has received the “Model Enterprise Award” for the way the company has been building a Safety Culture at its site in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China.

DSM, one of the world’s leading engineering plastics suppliers, is one of the three winners in a field of some 70 competitors, and was nominated as the “Model Enterprise” candidate for the Jiangsu Provincial and the Wuxi Regional, thanks to its proactive participation in various SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) culture building activities in the local community. The award and the nominations all reflect the responsible care that DSM continues to show toward society.
During the award ceremony on August 17, 2012, Mr. Yang Bo, DSM’s SHE Supervisor, gave a presentation to the leaders of Department for Production Safety Management in the National Hi-Tech Zone of Jiangyin. Using videos and pictures, he highlighted the in-depth experience DSM has acquired in SHE management and culture buildup. The group of more than 200 attendees, which included officials and managers from other companies in the Hi-Tech Zone, indicated they were very impressed by the theme activities organized at the DSM Jiangyin site, such as Safety Starts With Me, Safety Follows Me, DSM SHE Award Nomination as well as the implementation of DSM 12 Life Saving Rules.
The State Administration of Work Safety of China initiated the “Model Enterprise of Safety Culture Buildup” Award, which has been held since 2010, aiming to enhance the SHE culture buildup and improve the safety management of enterprises, so that accidents can be reduced and prevented. The DSM Jiangyin Site has actively responded by building SHE culture and practices, improving the safety awareness and behavior at all levels in the organization. The global promotion of DSM 12 Life-Saving Rules commenced in 2011. Carried out in four stages, the rules aim to further standardize procedures of operations with higher risks, through step-by-step communications and workshops.
On July 6, 2011, a road show themed as Safety Follows Me was organized at the Jiangyin Site, where the operations staff performed vivid short plays according to the 12 lifesaving rules and shared the value of safe operations through demonstration of real objects.
Subsequently, the DSM Jiangyin Site launched the Safety Starts With Me initiative, an effort to prioritize safety responsibility for all employees and contractors. The Site was nominated for DSM SHE Award 2011, a DSM’s global annual award, for its good SHE performance. “We are very proud to receive this award as the ‘Model Enterprise of Safety Culture Buildup in Jiangyin’,” said Mr. Yang Bo, “we will further improve our SHE performance and go for excellence in the coming years so as to make an even greater contribution to SHE culture in the community and to society as a whole.”
DSM – Bright Science. Brighter Living.™
Royal DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. By connecting its unique competences in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences DSM is driving economic prosperity, environmental progress and social advances to create sustainable value for all stakeholders. DSM delivers innovative solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance in global markets such as food and dietary supplements, personal care, feed, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, automotive, paints, electrical and electronics, life protection, alternative energy and bio-based materials. DSM’s 22,000 employees deliver annual net sales of around €9 billion. The company is listed on NYSE Euronext. More information can be found at www.dsm.com.