Machinery News

BRITAS Celebrates 20 Years as a Company Together with NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen

BRITAS Celebrates 20 Years as a Company Together with NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen

FELDKIRCHEN/DONAU (AUSTRIA): BRITAS Recycling Anlagen GmbH, part of the NGR Group and located in Hanau, Germany, is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a company. The main product from BRITAS – the melt filter with automatic screen changer – is in its prime and is backed by the company’s 20 years of experience in high-quality filtration systems.

BRITAS Celebrates 20 Years as a Company Together with NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen
BRITAS Celebrates 20 Years as a Company Together with NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen

When working with heavily contaminated melt streams at high output rates, you have to deal with all the technical details. Britas has developed the solution to these challenges over the past 20 years. The result is a durable melt filter with automatic screen changer, built by highly qualified employees and used in recycling of post-consumer plastics waste.

The highest level of expertise at a critical point. It takes high-quality filters to ensure that the material produced in the plastics recycling process matches the properties of the original material as closely as possible. In addition to efficiently cleansing the melt stream, today’s modern filter systems have to be durable in order to withstand the demanding conditions of multi-shift operation, as well as to support automatic operation and provide low operating costs. Britas filters have been developed over the years to meet all of these requirements.

Installed filter capacities. A 20-year anniversary offers a good opportunity to look back. During this time accumulated filter capacities of approx. 720,000 tonnes per year have been placed into operation – primarily in the area of PE recycling. And Britas has developed into a true technology leader in plastics recycling.

20 years and development continues. As an exhibitor at K2013 in Düsseldorf, the Britas success story is adding a new chapter. As part of the NGR booth, the company will present its filter system to an international audience.

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