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BPF Shows ‘You Can Do It with Plastics’

BPF Shows ‘You Can Do It with Plastics’

From today, the BPF offices in central London will house an exhibition of iconic plastics objects curated by the Museum of Design in Plastics (MoDiP).

BPF Shows ‘You Can Do It with Plastics’
BPF Shows ‘You Can Do It with Plastics’

Every 6 months a new theme will be introduced and the objects changed to reflect it. The first theme is ‘You can do it with plastics’ and demonstrates the incredible versatility of plastics under the headings: buoyancy, flexibility, recycling, enablement, colour, sustainability, living hinges and insulation.

Professor Susan Lambert, Head of the MoDiP, said: “Plastics are capable of greater transformation than any other materials group. In this exhibition we wish to explore their design freedom and beneficial impact on society.”

The showcases will have items taken from the MoDiP’s collection such as an electric hot water bottle made by R. A. Rothermel (circa 1945). This object is an example of plastics as a great insulation material. The excellent resistance to heat and electrical current of many plastics has contributed to the safety with which electricity is used.

It has become the default material for insulating electric wires and for the fittings and housings of electrical products. Illustrating sustainability, is the Team GB replica kit swimming trunks designed by Stella McCartney for Adidas, 2012, that contain 80% recycled Nylon. Plastics can be recycled into new products saving on raw materials and diminishing the need for landfill. They can also be burnt to create energy.

The Museum of Design in Plastics (MoDiP) is a research resource of the Arts University Bournemouth. It is the only accredited museum with a focus on plastics in the UK.

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