
BPF Members Continue To Reduce Number Of Accidents

BPF Members Continue To Reduce Number Of Accidents

The BPF has announced the results of its latest Accident Survey, which analysed 2013 data from BPF members. The survey, in its seventeenth year, has become a highly valued benchmark for the safety performance of the plastics industry in the UK. A total of 111 BPF members participated, covering more than 23,000 employees.

BPF Members Continue To Reduce Number Of Accidents
BPF Members Continue To Reduce Number Of Accidents

The survey indicates a general downward trend in the overall number of accidents, which is excellent news for the industry. The most common accidents were caused by cuts and accidents caused by hitting a stationary object. Following closely in the rankings were injures whilst handling, lifting or carrying and those caused by being hit by moving.

The findings of the report were released at the BPF’s Annual Health and Safety seminar which took place on 26th March at the Old Trafford Cricket Place. Delegates at the successful event were able to hear from Mike Jones, Chairman of the BPF’s Health and Safety Committee, who announced the new developments of the SIMPL (Safety in Manufacturing Plastics) initiative, including the launch of an exclusive audit tool which will enable members to measure their health and safety performance.

Jones said “The BPF is pleased to launch its safety audit tool as part of the SIMPL initiative. The audit tool will help organisations objectively evaluate their current health and safety arrangements and identify opportunities for improvement. The 2013 accident survey of BPF members shows an overall reduction in accidents but there is an increasing concern about the number of cut injuries reported. The new SIMPL three year strategy has been released and the BPF is working with its SIMPL initiative partners on its implementation. Find out more about SIMPL from the BPF website.”

Other presentations at the event included the HSE, Billion UK, Pristine Condition and the Health and Safety Laboratory.

For more information about the BPF’s services on health and safety please visit

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