NEWCOMERSTOWN, OH, USA― Boltaron 4325 sheet is a transparent gray/blue, corrosion- resistant CPVC sheet that meets Factory Mutual Global Cleanroom Materials flammability test protocol (Class 4910). It is the only American-made transparent CPVC material to meet the FM4910 standard according to Boltaron Director, Adam Mellen, and is one of the most chemical-resistant thermoplastics in existence, allowing for use in wet labs and semiconductor production facilities that utilize corrosive materials.
Intended for glazing of windows in cleanroom walls, partitions and doors, the sheet has smooth polished surfaces on both sides, and is available in gauges from .125 to .500 in. (3.175 to 12.7 mm), widths to 48 in. (1219 mm) and lengths to 96 in. (2438 mm) and in custom sizes. Boltaron 4325 can also be post-formed, thermoformed, machined using conventional tools, bonded and mechanically fastened, allowing the production of work stations, pass-throughs, air shower doors, partitions and other cleanroom components that require transparency as well as chemical resistance.
An Izod impact rating of 5 ft lbs/in. (267 J/m) enables Boltaron 4325 sheet to protect interior windows and walls against impact while maintaining a like-new appearance. The company also produces a Boltaron 4225 grade of bright white FM4910-rated sheet used in the production of partitions, panels, doors, ceilings, cabinets, counters, wafer boxes, storage containers, wet benches and other cleanroom-related equipment and structures.
Other specialized sheet manufactured by the company offers fire ratings and physical properties required for aircraft interior applications, mass transit vehicle interiors and commercial/industrial applications ranging from equipment enclosures to weatherable building products.
For information www.boltaron.com