Gourmet product manufacturer Appel started selling new products in PermaSafe packaging supplied by Weidenhammer Plastic Packaging

(WPP), the plastics division of the Weidenhammer Packaging Group.

This innovative packaging solution offers consumers added convenience and brings all the advantages of plastic containers to the market segment for preserved, non-refrigerated foods. The attractive package design also grabs attention at the point of sale. For the first time, Weidenhammer has combined In-Mold Labeling (IML) with embossed elements for the new Appel plastic container.

According to Weidenhammer, the PermaSafe plastic packaging is designed for a long shelf life and is extremely airtight, and even unrefrigerated pre-cooked meals and sausage products stay fresh in PermaSafe packaging. PermaSafe also offers more freedom when it comes to package design and shape. It is also more convenient for consumers.

The packaging designed for Appel is an injection-molded, attractively labeled PermaSafe container with an easy-to-open, peel-off seal and a resealable lid – two major improvements over conventional metal cans. Easy opening is especially important for the older generation. But Appel is also aiming for younger consumer target groups with creative recipes and ready-to-eat products in single-portion packaging that stands out from competitors on the supermarket shelf.


Source : www.adsalecprj.com

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