AMI, Bristol, 06/11/12 – AMI is pleased to announce the 7th edition of The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum. This unique business conference and exhibition will provide a global forum to discuss the current state of the artificial grass market, look at the potential growth prospects and drivers and examine recent product and technological developments.

Volatile growth rates and changing technologies make artificial grass a dynamic industry with good prospects for those that position themselves well, but with difficult challenges and significant changes to the business models deployed. The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum 2013 will give delegates the opportunity to discuss the industry’s issues, lobby for changes and gain understanding of the opportunities and threats facing the business.
For the first time, there will be a presentation from Doménech Hermanos S.A about developing premium turf for the landscape sector and focusing on what customers need. The programme also includes several keynote papers including one from Dr. Martin Schlegel, Managing Director at Advanced Polymer Technology, who will discuss sustainable initiatives in the synthetic turf industry and another one from Mr. Ole Myhrvold from The Football Association of Norway who will deliver a presentation about experiences or artificial turf installations for soccer in challenging climates.
FIFA will be reviewing the results of their worldwide study on players’ perception and will give a second speech about developing new test methods to improve standards.The market drivers session will include papers from AMI, the Synthetic Turf Council, ESTO, Loughborough University and the European Turf Group BV. There will be a session about materials & component developments including papers from The Dow Chemical Company, Melos GmbH, Terra Sports Technology and Lyondellbasell – Basel Poliolefine Italia S.r.l.
The conference will close with a session focusing on raising turf installation quality which will include papers from Sports Labs Limited and Labosport International. The conference, sponsored by Dow, is now recognised as the key place to be for the industry to meet every year and usually attracts over 160 participants from around the world.