RPC Formatec, part of the Bramlage-Wiko cluster, has extended its range of inhalation systems with the introduction of the innovative Twist’n’hale solution.The new system has been created for blister-based powders and offers a simple-to-use operation across a wide range of different flow rates.

The Twist’n’hale features a turning wheel on the side of the container. When the cap is opened, the wheel is rotated clockwise in a single movement up to the stop point, which releases the dose. Users then inhale and close the cap. Usage is monitored via a dose counter and reloading the dispenser is easy.
The patented multidose inhaler offers excellent accuracy of dosing and dispersion over a wide range of flow rates (RSD prototype <8%) and meets EMEA and FDA requirements on DCU. It deliver a consistent fine particle fraction (% aerosolised particles <5µ).
Twist’n’hale is suitable for adhesive types of powder blends and a variety of drugs, and can be tailored to different dosing amounts. A choice of decoration options is available to personalise the dispenser for individual medicines.
RPC Formatec has over 30 years experience in the development and manufacture of inhalation systems. Alongside its range of standard products, the company works with individual customers in the creation of bespoke solutions to meet precise drug specifications.