It’s official. According to government recycling advisor WRAP, non-bottle household plastic packaging can be recycled and it is offering incentives to make it happen.
WRAP has conducted trials and says that its research shows “for the first time” that collecting non-bottle household plastic packaging, reprocessing it and finally manufacturing it into useful popular items, is both technically and commercially viable. Recycling of this plastic packaging is also the best environmental option.
Now WRAP is launching a £2 million capital grant competition to help the recycling supply chain build the capacity for recycling more plastics packaging. Marcus Gover, director of market development at WRAP said: “The grant is designed to help stimulate the development of waste management infrastructure and boost recycling capacity by at least 40,000 tonnes per year by 2011.” At present more than 180,000 tonnes of plastic bottles are collected for recycling in the UK but there are very limited facilities to recycle non-bottle household plastic packaging.
According to Mr Gover end markets for the non-bottle recyclate would continue to grow both domestically and overseas.