Promaplast srl presents **GREENPLAST**, a new exhibition/conventiondedicated to materials, technologies, and converting processes for plasticsand rubber, with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability,recovery and recycling of materials, and energy efficiency.
Illustrate and promote the sustainability of a versatile and key materialin daily consumption: plastic. This is the motivation for *GREENPLAST*, anew exhibition and convention responding to the need to describe and sharebest practices in the plastics industry to benefit the environment.
From the 3rd to the 6th of May 2022, Fiera Milano will host the entireplastics and rubber industry in Rho-Pero in an event dedicated toinnovative solutions to boost environmental sustainability, energyefficiency, options for Reducing-Reusing-Recycling, and progress towards acircular economy. Companies in the industry have been investing in theseareas for years, leading the way as dynamic market players.
GREENPLAST, *organized by Promaplast srl, will allow all interestedoperators – Italian and non-Italian – to evaluate plastics and rubberprocessing technologies and the new Industry 4.0 paradigm with an emphasison the Made-in-Italy, which has stood out all over the world for itshi-tech solutions ever since the awakening of an environmental awareness(many years ago and especially in the more developed countries).
The leading Italian and international companies will have the chance toshow their *innovative solutions for environmental sustainability* in thehalls of the fairgrounds:
– virgin, low-impact, low-carbon-footprint *raw materials*, secondary raw materials, biopolymers, additives – *semi-finished and finished products* made from innovative, recycled, or biologically sourced materials – *machinery, equipment, and systems* that combine low energy consumption with high performance, high-efficiency processing and are able to use innovative, recycled and/or biologically sourced materials – *systems and machinery* for the selection, processing, and recycling of plastics and rubber, both in-line and post-consumption – *support and consulting services* for plastics and rubber production generally (from injection moulding to extrusion, from blow moulding to thermoforming, etc.) and recovery and recycling
– *public corporations, consortia, and organizations* active in plastics and rubber recycling.
GREENPLAST will feature an international conference, hosting world renownedspeakers who will discuss key issues relating to the trade fair:environmental sustainability and the circular economy, especially as theyrelate to packaging and plastic products.
The event will be held in parallel with *IPACK-IMA*, internationalexhibition for the packaging industry. The concomitance of the two eventsis anything but casual: the affinity between the packaging and plasticsindustries is affirmed by the fact that some 50% of all packaging is madeusing plastics (trays, bottles, film, etc.), and demand by consumers ofpackaging for environmentally sustainable products is only growing. Thesimultaneity of IPACK-IMA and GREENPLAST will thus make it possible tocombine the presentation of two different yet *highly complementary*production spheres.
The project will thus promote occasions for contact and development,bringing visitors, especially international ones, into contact with acomplete spectrum, thanks to the transversal nature of the two exhibitionsand the experience of their respective organizers, backed by the tradeassociations of the two macro-sectors represented: *AMAPLAST* (ItalianPlastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds ManufacturersAssociation) and *UCIMA* (Italian Packaging Machinery ManufacturersAssociation).
Furthermore, the fairgrounds will also host the concomitant *Print4All*(dedicated to commercial and industrial printing), *Intralogistica Italia*(systems for industrial materials handling, warehouse management, materialsstorage, and picking) and, for the first time in Milan, *Pharmintech*(processing, and packaging solutions for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical,cosmeceutical). These events embody the logic of an integrated supply chainand are an important component of “*The Innovation Alliance*”.
Further information regarding participation in *GREENPLAST* will be provided by the trade fair organization team in the coming weeks.
The dialogue with and among the plastics industry will gain new impetus in2023 with the triennial international fair *PLAST*, *which has finally beenrescheduled for 5-8 September 2023*. Exhibitors have already confirmed30,000 m2, not wanting to miss the chance to take part in this high-profileevent.
*GREENPLAST 2022* Press Office: A Più Srl – Arianna Unger – – tel +39 347 7307177