The next generation of recruits are honoured for their outstanding performance

Wolfertschwenden, 8 February 2021 – Four apprentices and one student were given the “Hans Joachim Boekstegers Award” by MULTIVAC for their excellent achievement. The new awards for advancement are bestowed on the best ap-prentices in the commercial and technical sectors, as well as on students with an outstanding academic thesis. The award ceremony took place on 5 February: Due to the current coronavirus restrictions, the awards were presented by Group President, Christian Traumann, to three prize winners at the Group’s headquarters. Other participants were present via video conference – among them the other two winners, Hans Joachim Boekstegers the previous CEO of MULTIVAC, and the apprentices from the last teaching year with their instruc-tors, as well as the students currently completing their thesis within the com-pany.

The “Hans Joachim Boekstegers Awards” are bestowed in two categories: “Best Technical/Commercial Future Professional” and “Best International Graduation Work”. They are each endowed with 1,000 euros (1st place and thesis) or 500 euros (2nd place). All the prize winners were chosen in an intensive selection process by an internal committee with representatives from different business units.

The training of future professionals has always had a high priority for the company of packaging specialists. By bestowing the new award, MULTIVAC is consolidating the aim of honouring the commitment and will to succeed of its young employees, and thereby also firmly anchoring this within the future staff of the company. “A company like MULTIVAC needs committed and responsible future professionals, who will strive to ensure that we continue to set the benchmark in the market with our ground-breaking packaging and processing solutions,” explains Christian Traumann, Group President of MULTIVAC. “And at the same time we want to honour our long-serving

and much appreciated CEO, Hans Joachim Boekstegers, by naming these awards af-ter him. He was always particularly committed to research and development, as well as training and apprenticeships within our company.”

The gold prize for “Best Commercial Future Professional Award” went to Annika Hummel (MULTIVAC Wolfertschwenden), while the silver prize was awarded to Isa-belle Appold (FRITSCH, Markt Einersheim). Both passed their “Chamber of Commerce & Industry” final exams in Industrial Business Management in 2020 with flying col-ours, and they were nominated by their instructors for the award.

The first prize in the Technical section was won by Markus Bühler (MULTIVAC Wolfertschwenden), who completed his training as an industrial mechanic in July 2020, and who can now enjoy the gold prize for “Best Technical Future Profes-sional Award”. The silver prize in this category was awarded to Andreas Kainz (MUL-TIVAC Lechaschau), who successfully completed his training as a mechatronic engi-neer in the early part of 2020.

By virtue of his thesis on “Conception and implementation of online management in the configuration of packaging machines”, Marco Weber won the prize for “Best In-ternational Graduation Work Award”. He had completed his Masters degree in Business Information Systems at the University for Applied Sciences in Munich, and was subsequently writing his academic thesis at MULTIVAC.

Christian Traumann, Hans Joachim Boekstegers and the representatives of the Award Committee congratulated the prize winners on their outstanding performance, and they wished them all every success in their future professional careers at MULTIVAC.


MULTIVAC is one of the leading providers worldwide of packaging solutions for food products of all types, life science, and healthcare products, as well as industrial items. The MULTIVAC portfolio covers virtually all requirements of processors and

producers in terms of pack design, output, and resource efficiency. It comprises a wide range of packaging technologies, as well as automation solutions, labellers, and quality control systems. The product range is rounded off with solutions up-stream of the packaging process in the areas of portioning and processing, as well as bakery technology. Thanks to our extensive expertise in packaging lines, all mod-ules can be integrated into complete solutions. This means that MULTIVAC solu-tions guarantee a high level of operational and process reliability, as well as effi-ciency. The MULTIVAC Group has approximately 6,500 employees worldwide, with some 2,300 based at its headquarters in Wolfertschwenden. With over 80 subsidi-aries, the Group is represented on all continents. More than 1,000 sales advisors and service technicians throughout the world use their know-how and experience to the benefit of customers, and they ensure all installed MULTIVAC machines are utilised to their maximum. Further information can be found at:

Company enquiries

MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG

Tanja Nickels

Bahnhofstr. 4

D-87787 Wolfertschwenden Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 8334 601 – 1544


Press contact


Vera Sebastian

Seestr. 18

D-80802 Munich

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 31 20 338-21


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