Machinery News

Webinar: Improve Production Planning and Scheduling Visibility in Your Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Business

A September 12 IndustryWeek-hosted webinar, sponsored by Siemens

Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Time: 2:00 p.m. EDT (GMT -4, New York)
Duration: 1 Hour
Event Type: Live Webinar
Cost: Free

Register Today!


Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment manufacturers today must deal with:

  • Increased production complexity due to high product variants and customized demands from customers
  • Flexible Production Planning and Increased Configurability given the global competitive environment
  • Adopt Industry 4.0 practices to gain competitive edge through digitalization

In dealing with these new business requirements, the technological obstacles seem daunting at first. Industry experts have observed the following common challenges:

  • Many Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment manufacturers have challenges on Synchronizing Demand Signals with Manufacturing Execution.
  • Although Lean Manufacturing Principles have been existent in factories, technologies that sustain lean processes and documentation are yet to be realized.
  • Companies with ERP still have Production Scheduling done on disparate systems like spreadsheets, often leading to wasted effort and rework.
  • Over 1/2 of top performing companies are not able to quickly respond to customer demand changes accurately or even predict the impact of the changes on capacity utilization. 

Do any of these challenges apply to your company?

To get a jumpstart on bringing your production planning in line with the Smart factory, attend this “Improve Production Planning and Scheduling visibility in your Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Business” Webinar where Mark Callison, President, Elmwood Reclaimed Timber, a Siemens customer for Advanced Planning and Scheduling and Connor Burns, Production Manager, Elmwood Reclaimed Timer will share the best practices adopted for production planning and scheduling and Nikhil Joshi, Founder & Director, SNic Solutions, a well-known Advanced Planning and Scheduling Subject Matter Expert to get industry leading insights in Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Business.


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