New PLC touchscreen controller, new screen changer for high-viscosity polymers to debut.

At K 2016, High-Technology Corp.., Hackensack, N.J., will display its newest generation of PLC touchscreen controls with descriptive graphics. Operational parameters and hardware are continuously monitored—with discrete alarms to prevent malfunctions—and can be integrated with the operation of the line. An automated algorithm detects real-time processing conditions and adjusts the operational parameters of the screen changer automatically.

plastic extrusion machinery
EXTRUSION: News in Screen Changers at K 2016

Meantime, the firm’s Model BPC screen changer been designed for increased performance on lines for flexible PVC and other high-viscosity polymers.

The proprietary flow-channel and breaker-plate geometry are designed to form stable polymer seals that result in reliable, automatic screen advancement in the most demanding applications.

This new design has reportedly been successfully adapted for use in a demanding application for flexible PVC precision tubing and in PE cast film lines with the dual challenge of high concentrations of calcium carbonate and the requirement for fine (55μ) filtration using multi-layer screen media.

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