
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is now taking care of the market in Austria with a direct approach

With effect from January 1st, 2016 Sumitomo (SHI) Demag established her own Sales and Service structures in Austria.Organizationally the new office in Tulln is directly responsible to Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s headquarters in Schwaig near Nürnberg.

The customer care is characterized by a highly qualified staff, very short ways to the customer and the five-headed team’s direct access to Engineering, Design and Production in Germany. The realignment with two Sales Engineers and three Service Experts is evidence of the company’s high valuation, when it comes to the satisfaction of customers in Austria.

Plastics Industry News
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is now taking care of the market in Austria with a direct approach

The customer care comprises the support of designing machines and automation, of installing as well as performing a multitude of individual services during the total life cycle of the machine and its devices. Sales Engineer Michael Domes is taking care of customers in Vorarlberg, Tirol, Salzburg and Kärnten whereas his colleague, Christian Wolfsberger, is responsible for Upper- and Lower Austria, Vienna, Steiermark and Burgenland. Both gentlemen have been working in their field over several years, thus gaining great expertise in the Plastics Industry’s Sales and Technology. Michael Domes was Sales Manager with T.I.G., a developing and sales company for MES-systems that are also being used in the Injection Molding Industry. Christian Wolfsberger was working as Technology Manger with an Austrian producer of injection molding machines.

The Service in Austria is being coordinated by Benjamin Kaiser, who has been well known by Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s customers for many years. As a consequence of his long time in the field Benjamin Kaiser gained great expertise with various installations. He is being supported by an additional Field Service Engineer as well as by a Back Office Assistant. The team in Austria is being managed by Sebastian Dombos who, in addition to his task as Sales Manager Germany, took over the responsibility for the Office in Austria.

The team members of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in Austria will introduce themselves to their Austrian customers during their “Austria Forum” in Götzis/Vorarlberg on April 6th, 2016. The half-day event is scheduled with presentations and discussions from and with injection molding experts from Sumitomo (SHI) Demag as well as from the MES specialist T.I.G. and the automation partner SAR. More details will be available on Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s homepage within short.

We will keep you posted about further events that are already in the planning.


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