Plastic is a silver lining in the global recession gloom, said participants at a seminar organised in the city on Saturday. “Per capita
consumption of plastic in India is just 5.2 kg which is much lower than the world’s per capita consumption of 25 kg. It indicates that
there is a huge potential in this field as the market is still untapped,” said Neelkamal Darbari, joint secretary, ministry of chemicals
and fertilisers.
Speaking at the seminar organised by Gujarat State Plastic Manufacturers Association, she advised plastic
manufacturers to innovate products to increase penetration of plastic and scale up their capacities to meet future demand. “There is
vast scope of use of plastic in agriculture, which is immune to global recession,” she added.
Elaborating on the subject of seminar, ‘Recession — an opportunity’, Kamal Nanavati, president, cracker and polymer, Reliance
Industries Limited (RIL) said, 55% of the country’s population falls in the age bracket of 20-60 years, which is productive in terms of
earning. He projected that the demand for polymer would touch 120 lakh tonnes in 2012. “Gujarat is a hub of polymer as the state
contributes 67% of the country’s total production. Plastic industry should focus on plastic conversion sector, where Daman is far
ahead of Gujarat,” Nanavati added.