Selected Thus Far Are Twelve Startups with Promising Developments in Graphenes, Bioplastics, Recycling, 3D Printing, and Other Technologies of Timely Importance
WASHINGTON, DC, U.S.A., January 12, 2015: The NPE2015 Startup Garage has already attracted so many startup ventures with exciting new technologies that the special exhibit for these companies has been expanded by SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association, which produces the triennial NPE: The International Plastics Showcase.
The Startup Garage is a program developed by SPI in partnership with the new-venture tracking firm Startup.Directory to provide startups with prominently located exhibit stations at the show, which will take place March 23-27, 2015 in Orlando, Florida. The plan originally called for a limited number of startups to be selected by show management and Startup.Directory, but with twelve startups selected and additional demand from the marketplace, SPI says it will expand the Startup Garage space and accept more applications.
Companies selected thus far will highlight innovations in bioplastics, recycling, 3D printing, polymerization, resin processing, and antimicrobial polymers. Three of the startups report developments in the burgeoning field of graphenes—two-dimensional carbon-atom nanostructures that can be used for formulating plastics composites with dramatically enhanced properties.
“The response to our call for applicants has been met with an enthusiastic response by new companies doing exciting things at the forefront of polymer technology,” said Brad Williams, SPI’s director of trade show sales and marketing. “While some of these startups propose new ways to address pressing issues involving renewable resources and waste reduction, others offer enhancements of plastics manufacture and product performance. The quality of the exhibitors so far has led us to extend the call for more.”
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