
EREMA’s Discovery Day 2014 shed lights on in-house recycling

plastics news

Over 130 visitors attended EREMA’s “Discovery Day 2014”, held on October 29 at its headquarters in Ansfelden, Austria, the company announced.

The focus of this year’s Open House was on in-house recycling, particularly for flexible packaging, as material costs account for over three quarters of the production costs.

plastics news
EREMA’s Discovery Day 2014 shed lights on in-house recycling

With “Don’t waste your waste” as the motto, EREMA showed its in-house recycling solutions that can return up to 100% of the plastic “waste” to the production process.

The preconditioning of the plastic material prior to extrusion is crucial for the quality of the recyclate, said EREMA. These requirements are done through the combination of a precondition unit with the recycling extruder.

Its new INTAREMA process offers an additional boost in efficiency with patented Counter Current technology, which makes sure the recycling process is stable despite varying characteristics and conditions of the input material.

Another system Smart Start provides a high degree of automation for the recycling process. It is important as in-house recycling systems often only run “on the side” compared to the actual film production plant, the company explained.

For flexible and highly efficient offline applications, EREMA presented to attendees the brand new EFS Crocodile system with a technical conveyor belt for the dosing of endless edge trim. This system enables the constant feeding of tangled edge trim without pre-cutting for the first time.

EREMA’s partners, including Borealis, SML, OCS, Polifilm Extrusion, also presented their insights in recycling.


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