Did you know that 100 per cent of all plastic material  is recyclable? Plastics contribute only six per cent of municipal solid waste generated everyday, with the rest comprising other material.

Myths over plastics dispelled
Myths over plastics dispelled

Per capital consumption of plastic in India is just 7 kilos, against a world average of 29 kilos. Every year, 7 lakh trees can be saved by using plastic for packaging and transporting apples alone, while use of plastic furniture helped save 1.4 lakh cubic metres of wood.

These and other interesting tidbits surfaced for the benefit of the common man on Saturday, day two of IPLEX 14 – International Plastics Exposition, hosted by the Andhra Pradesh Plastic Manufacturers Association, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India and Telangana State. Visitors from the industry , vendors and users thronged the HITEX Exhibition Centre, the IPLEX 14 venue.

Interestingly, by the end of Day One (Friday), almost all the equipment on display was sold, said IPLEX 14 Convenor V. Anil Reddy. President of the Andhra Pradesh Plastic Manufacturers Association, that hosted the event, Venugopal Jasti, expressed confidence that exhibitors would go back with their order books full. On Saturday, an international seminar on ‘India’s Industrial Growth-Scope for Plastic Industries’ saw eminent speakers sharing their knowledge.

It was inaugurated by Union Secretary Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Indrajit Pal and Prof. Abhijit P. Deshpande of the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, delivered a keynote address on ‘Smart polymers and futuristic applications’.

The stall set up by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) attracted attention.


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