Recycling News

DNR Report portrays wide scope for Plastics Recycling in Wisconsin

OTTAWA : A study commissioned by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) finds that the state could realize substantial economic rewards and jobs growth by increasing the amount of plastics it recycles.

DNR Report portrays wide scope for Plastics Recycling in Wisconsin
DNR Report portrays wide scope for Plastics Recycling in Wisconsin

The study, authored jointly by Foth Infrastructure and Environment and Moore Recycling Associates, lists steps Wisconsin can take to substantially increase plastics recovery rates. In a release, Moore says the actions “could be implemented individually or as a coordinated approach, and target the most valuable and commonly used plastic containers, such as consumer beverage bottles and containers for household cleaning products.”

The study also emphasizes the potential to increase the collection and recycling of plastic bags and other film plastics, as well as recovered rigid plastics such as clamshell containers, margarine tubs and drink cups.

The DNR has agreed to conduct a pilot project this spring to expand recycling of flexible film packaging. The film recycling project will be carried out under a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Chemistry Council’s Flexible Film Recycling Group and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s GreenBlue Foundation.

The project will focus on expanding consumer recycling of plastic film packaging, extending recycling opportunities at small and mid-sized businesses in the state.

Currently, Wisconsin’s plastic industry employs approximately 40,000 people with a direct payroll of $1.6 billion.


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