
Clean enough to coat – reliably and effectively

– Solutions for clean parts and surfaces
– Bilingual expert forum – Cleaning expertise for process optimization

Stuttgart/Hannover. More and more parts are being coated to give them special functional or decorative properties. Surface quality requirements are also rising, not only for coating but also for other processes, such as laser welding or glue bonding. “The purpose of parts and surface cleaning is to ensure the cleanliness necessary for coating and joining processes. The exhibitors at this year’s edition of parts2clean are presenting a broader range of solutions than ever before,” says Olaf Daebler, the Deutsche Messe director in charge of the leading trade fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning. O&S, the international trade fair for surfaces and coatings, runs in parallel with parts2clean this year at the Stuttgart exhibition center from 24 to 26 June. “This gives visitors a prime opportunity to learn about innovations and trends in these areas of surface treatment technology with a single tradeshow visit.”

Clean enough to coat – reliably and effectively
Clean enough to coat – reliably and effectively

Many innovations and refinements in all areas
Exhibitors are presenting products and services for each and every link of the process chain. parts2clean offers the right solutions for everything from stabler cleaning processes, shorter treatment times and higher energy or resource efficiency to flexible cleaning, cleanliness control and documentation or compliance with cleanliness targets. Visitors can also look forward to many new and enhanced products. For example, a completely new approach to wet chemical cleaning using aqueous media, suitable for everything from rough to fine cleaning. Also being featured are special advances in cleaning media. An innovative tool for measuring ultrasonic power is also on exhibit. Exhibitors have robots and handling systems on hand for process automation, and solutions for reliable and cost-effective deburring are also being showcased at parts2clean.

When it comes to cleaning containers and workpiece carriers, product innovations and refinements help reduce process times, optimize results and cut costs – not only thanks to their versatility, but also because they minimize costly and potentially harmful parts handling. Systems including dry-ice blasting and laser beam cleaning are on display for partial cleaning of surfaces for coating and other downstream processes. For quality control and documentation of the cleanliness achieved in the cleaning process, parts2clean offers solutions for both particle and film measuring tasks. Bath monitoring and maintenance are important for process stability, in particular with aqueous media. In this area new and refined devices, for example for continuous concentration measurement in liquids, are being presented. Innovations for corrosion protection, conservation and packaging are also on exhibit at parts2clean.

Bilingual expert forum – Cleaning expertise for process optimization
The three-day expert forum at parts2clean has become established internationally as a valuable source of knowledge about industrial parts and surface cleaning. The program is coordinated by the Fraunhofer Alliance for Cleaning Technology and includes a total of 29 presentations (with simultaneous German/English interpreting) on the topics such as process and procedure expertise, cleaning methods, pretreatment and coating, requirements-compliant deburring with the right method, efficient and cost-effective cleaning baths, and particle contamination methodology. The panel talk on quality organized by the German trade association for industrial parts cleaning (Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung, FiT) will focus on process chain analysis as a defect prevention strategy. Participation in the parts2clean forum is free of charge for tradeshow attendees.

LASYS, the international trade fair for laser material processing, and Automotive Expo will run concurrently with parts2clean at the Stuttgart fair grounds from 24 to 26 June.

For a detailed look at the forum program as well as further information and a complete overview of the products and exhibitors to be featured, visit

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